Certificate in Election Administration, Technology, and Security (CEATS)


Michelle Fajman, Director of Lake County Board of Elections & Registration – Cohort 5
I would like to thank the Secretary of State and the VSTOP team for offering the CEATS program.  The information received during our in-person sessions and our online classes will be extremely beneficial to me as the Election Administrator in Lake County.  I found the information regarding cyber security, and the voting machine testing protocols to be extremely interesting.  I also enjoyed working with other election administrators throughout the state and enjoyed our guest lecturers.

For our capstone project, we identified a problem that many administrators are having: the erosion of confidence by voters in the electoral process and those who administer it.  We noticed a lack of vetted and accurate information from subject matter experts to help demystify the process so Hoosier voters can have faith in our system.  We created a comprehensive education program consisting of four modules designed for Voters, Poll workers, Election Administrators, and staff.  We were able to professionally print our modules with the assistance of the Secretary of State and a HAVA grant.

I would like to once again thank the VSTOP team for all their assistance, guidance, and understanding throughout the whole process.  I encourage other Election administrators to enroll in the CEATS program.  It is well worth the time and effort.

LeAnn Angerman, Assistant Director of Lake County Board of Elections & Registration – Cohort 5
Professional development for election administrators is important now more than ever.  The CEATS program, through VSTOP, provides an opportunity to increase knowledge and explore new ways to improve the electoral process. The Capstone project will compel you to take an idea to improve elections within your agency and bring it to fruition by giving you the necessary tools and network to design a collaborative game-changing project.

The CEATS program involves a commitment though it is truly an investment for yourself, your agency, and for voters all across Indiana.


Amy Rolfes, St. Joseph County Clerk of Circuit Court – Cohort 5
As a new Clerk, new to elections, CEATS has provided the best possible outcome for my training and execution of elections. The people involved – clerks, election administrators, vendors, legislators, and subject matter experts, share their expertise with one goal in mind, to educate and professionalize election administrators and ensure the integrity and security of Indiana’s elections.

The discussions are always interesting – and lively debates do happen, with different perspectives from the very small county to the very large county. The reading material and guest speakers are relevant to the election ecosystem, and can be used as a great resource.

CEATS staff are supportive and understanding of the full-time work commitments that we as participants have. CEATS is Indiana’s best “think tank” for election integrity!


Haley Bartlett, Vigo County Administrative Assistant – Cohort 4
With the explosion of attention to the risks of internet intrusion/cybersecurity, CEATS has been invaluable in its training and education from the testing and certification of all equipment, security safe guards, and remedies to problems our State has already put in place to protect our elections and voter registration, plus trying to stay ahead of the bad actors. It has given me a first-hand look on the inside as to how everything functions in its entirety in regards to the whole election process.

I highly recommend this class, especially, to Election Administration Officials to gain a better understanding into the nature of the job. I am very thankful for the opportunity to be able to participate in this class.


Jennifer Lewis, Vigo County Deputy Clerk, Assistant Supervisor for Election Equipment, Juvenile Court & Title IV-D Court – Cohort 3
I wish this Certificate in Election Administration, Technology and Security had been available years ago when I first started working Elections. The information given definitely fills in all the gaps with every aspect of Election Administration covered.

There is so much expected from Election Officials in diverse subjects without the benefit of targeted Election training as comprehensive as CEATS. I believe everyone involved in Elections can benefit from this highly professional program.


Lisa Meer, Delaware County Voter Registration Clerk – Cohort 3
At first, it didn’t seem like I was learning much…then I realized how much I learned. It is a relaxed atmosphere, with invaluable info shared amongst all the Counties involved. I have enjoyed the class very much.


Paula Copenhaver, Fountain County Clerk – Cohort 1
The CEATS program is something I will take forward in my Career and recommend anyone who does anything with Elections to take the course. I learned so much new information that I may have never came across without this course.


April Johnson, Allen County Office of the Circuit Court Clerk – Cohort 1
I have enjoyed the CEATS Program. I think it is very beneficial to anyone working with elections in Indiana, and it really explained how and why we do the things that we do. I have a much better understanding of the election process and am sure that it will help in the upcoming elections!


Tara McNamara, Election Deputy, Allen County Election Board – Cohort 1
The CEATS program has helped me with what goes on behind the scene of an election that I had not realized prior to taking this course. The ePoll books, the vote machines, the certification of this equipment , the security measures of an election. The ability to establish trust in the community of ours elections. This program has also has helped me understand information related to Vote Centers; the Indiana codes and rules that apply to vote centers, and the steps needed to become a vote center county.


Cathy Oser, Warrick County Voter Registration – Cohort 1
I have been fortunate to have been included in the inaugural CEATS cohort. I have found that my inclusion has certainly broadened my knowledge of applicable election laws and procedures, and will definitely enhance my ability to conduct fair and uninterrupted elections. I would highly recommend this class to anyone involved in the election process.


Patricia Perry, Warrick County Clerk of the Circuit Court – Cohort 1
I would highly recommend the CEATS program if you are interested in learning more about securing the election process both from a physical and cybersecurity standpoint. This program would especially be a valuable asset if you are new to the election process. The knowledge that you glean from your fellow election administrators is priceless and you walk away with a whole new perspective ready to tackle Election Day.


Jay Phelps, Director of Elections Modernization, Administration, and Special Projects for the Indiana Secretary of State – Cohort 1
The CEATS program was beyond all expectations that I envisioned. As an Election & Voter Deputy Clerk for our county, the knowledge that I obtained is invaluable to every aspect of our elections. I am also, proud to be part of the first inaugural CEATS class for the state. I highly recommend participation in the upcoming cohort.


Stephanie Rockey, Washington County Election & Voter Services Deputy Clerk – Cohort 1
The camaraderie that was established was some of the best. Just being able to hear from other counties on their experiences, has been so beneficial to our election process. The modules were set up with great reading that I was able to share within our office and can save for future reference. Highly recommend the CEATS program.


Ruth Rowlett, Franklin County First Deputy Clerk – Cohort 1
The CEATS program provides quite a bit of interesting Election history. It also educates you on the many levels of commissions/committees/organizations that are involved in election integrity, equipment certification process and trouble shooting. A very educational program.