Voter Registration Access Proficiency Standards and Assessment (VRAPSA)

Order Establishing Proficiency Standard

Secretary of State’s Order Establishing Proficiency Standards For Statewide Voter Registration System Users (.pdf)

Whereas, Indiana Code 3-7-26.3-35 provides the following:

IC 3-7-26.3-35 Computerized list; proficiency standards for individuals to access

(a) The secretary of state shall issue an order establishing proficiency standards for an individual employed by or acting under the authorization of a county voter registration office, a circuit court clerk, a county election board, or a board of elections and registration to be qualified to access the computerized list.
(b) An individual described in subsection (a) must have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the secretary of state and the election division that the individual has been sufficiently trained and demonstrated the individual’s ability to properly access the system and comply with all applicable laws governing the operation of the list in order for the individual to access the computerized list.
(c) The county voter registration office, circuit court clerk, county election board, or board of elections and registration may revoke the authorization granted by the office, clerk, or board under subsection (b) for good cause, and shall file a report of the revocation with the secretary of state and the election division not later than seven (7) days after the revocation is effective.
As added by P.L.71-2019. SEC 7. Amended by P.L.135-2020, SEC.2.


Whereas, the Indiana Secretary of State has partnered with the Voting Systems Technical Oversight Program (VSTOP) to administer the Voter Registration Access Proficiency Standards and Assessment (VRAPSA) to individuals employed by or acting under the authorization of a county voter registration office.


Pursuant to Indiana Code 3-7-26.3-35 all users of the Statewide Voter Registration System shall demonstrate proficiency by passing the VRAPSA administered through the Secretary of State’s office in partnership with the Voting System Technical Oversight Program at Ball State University.