Voter Registration Access Proficiency Standards and Assessment (VRAPSA)


Downloadable FAQ Sheet (.pdf)

Why Am I Receiving An Email From VRAPSA?

If you are receiving an email from VRAPSA, you are an employee of a county in the state of Indiana that has access to the Statewide Voter Registration System (SVRS). The Indiana Code (IC 3-7-26.3-35) states “(a) Not later than January 1, 2020, the secretary of state shall issue an order establishing proficiency standards for an individual employed by or acting under the authorization of a county voter registration office to be qualified to access the computerized list”.

What Is VSTOP?

The Voting System Technical Oversight Program (VSTOP) was established in 2007 and created
due to the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). VSTOP is overseen by the Indiana Secretary of State
(SOS) and is contracted to carry out 8 different activities. VRAPSA is one activity VSTOP is
responsible for executing on behalf of the SOS. For more information about VSTOP, visit our About page.

I Am A Temporary And/Or Seasonal Worker, Do I Need To
Complete This Training?

Yes, if you are currently accessing SVRS or will be in the future, you must complete the training in the
allotted time provided. If you are a temporary worker that does not plan on returning to work, please
email us at for further information.

Where Do I Access The VRAPSA Training?

The VRAPSA course is accessible through the learning management system known as Canvas
and is a separate entity from SVRS. Canvas is used by Ball State University to enroll individuals in
instructional courses. Always access Canvas through the link provided when you receive your
log-in credentials.

If I Miss The Certification Deadline What Do I Do?

To ensure participants complete the course by their deadline, one-month, one-week, and one-day
reminder emails are sent prior to the allotted deadline. If you do not believe you will meet the
deadline assigned, please reach out to to be considered for an extension. If you are
approved for an extension and fail to meet the new deadline, you will be included in the monthly
report to the SOS office.