Voting System Technical Oversight Program (VSTOP)

This project is directed by Dr. Jay Bagga from Ball State’s Department of Computer Science, along with Dr. Chad Kinsella from Ball State’s Department of Political Science. The VSTOP team advises the Indiana Secretary of State and the Indiana Election Commission on the certification of voting machines and electronic poll books in Indiana. VSTOP helped pioneer first-in-the-nation legislation authorizing the certification and testing of electronic poll books before they are permitted to be used in elections in Indiana. VSTOP’s Certificate Program in Election Administration, Technology, and Security (CEATS) also received national recognition from the United States Election Assistance Commission by being named a 2021 Clearinghouse Award winner for the category of “Outstanding Innovations in Elections.” The VSTOP Team also developed and continues to maintain a database containing all election equipment utilized in the State of Indiana, and prepares reports on best practices and innovations for Indiana election administration.
