Certificate in Election Administration, Technology, and Security (CEATS)

Cohort 5 Graduates

April 24, 2024

This year marks the fifth annual graduation ceremony for the Certificate in Election Administration, Technology, and Security (CEATS) Program. On April 21, 2023, Indiana Secretary of State, Diego Morales, conferred and presented certificates to our 12 CEATS Cohort 5 Graduates. This certificate symbolizes months of hard work and commitment which involved reading, assessments, written assignments, and a comprehensive Capstone Project. In total, each participant completed 170 hours of educational work in the form of lectures, discussions, and hands-on workshops. During this ceremony, CEATS Participants presented their final Capstone Projects.

Name County Capstone Project Title
Rylan Lynch Clark County Improving Voter Turnout By Improving Voter Education
Amy Kippenbrock Dubois County Dubois County Elections Branded
Rite Meredith Knox County Organizing Absentee Ballots for Elections and Audits
David Shelton Knox County Electronic Sample Ballots and ePoll Book Encoder Stabilizer Bracket
LeAnn Angerman Lake County Flipcharts and Flowcharts
Michelle Fajman Lake County Flipcharts and Flowcharts
Scott Zarazee Indiana Secretary of State’s Office Communicating to the Public: Answering Questions, Being Accountable, and Providing Information
Trisha Carrico St. Joseph County Election 101 Workshop
Amy Rolfes St. Joseph County Election 101 Workshop
Amanda Dockery Vigo County Vote Center Emergency Procedures
Sydney Goeppner Vigo County Vote Center Emergency Procedures
Shanda Cortez White County Election Process Monthly Guide