Certificate in Election Administration, Technology, and Security (CEATS)

Curriculum – Phase II

Phase II Session Descriptions

II-1: Testing and Certification for Voting Systems and Electronic Poll Books

Indiana Election Law; the Secretary of State, the Indiana Election Division, and the Indiana Election Commission; the Voting System Technical Oversight Program (VSTOP);

Certification and Testing Protocols for Voting Systems and Electronic Poll Books; Voting System Technical Laboratories (VSTL); The Acceptance Test for Electronic Poll Books.

II-2: Workshop I – Managing Election Equipment (Voting Systems and Electronic Poll Books)

A working knowledge of DRE and OPSCAN voting systems; including configuration and startup; programming; operating; tabulating results; and shutdown procedures.  A working knowledge of electronic poll books; including configuration and startup; loading voter registration data; networking and syncing; check-in process and post-election uploading of data.

II-3: Election Day Reporting

The use of secure Election Management Systems in producing Election Results for transmittal to State; Certification of Election results; Dissemination of results to media.

II-4: Cybersecurity and Physical Security of Elections and Election Equipment

Physical security pertaining to elections. Cybersecurity pertaining to elections. Physical security risks associated with DRE systems; OPSCAN systems; and Electronic Poll Books. Cyber security risks associated with DRE systems; OPSCAN systems; and Electronic Poll Books.

II-5: Workshop II – Managing Election Equipment (Troubleshooting and Security)

Effective and efficient troubleshooting strategies for DRE; OPSCAN voting systems and Electronic Poll Books; Preparing for unanticipated issues with the use of electronic election equipment; Anticipating and Managing physical and cybersecurity threats to electronic election equipment.

II-6: Election Personnel Training, Management, and Learning Assessment

Election personnel training and management needs. Election personnel training needs required by law. The value of assessment and evaluation of DRE, OPSCAN, and ePB training; Best Practices and continuous improvement; Instruction on effective training and management of election personnel in information technology; Election personnel retention; IED poll worker training programs; Electronic Poll Book vendor sponsored training.

II-7: Inventory, Audits and Recounts

The roles of County Election Board and the Clerk of Courts in managing inventory and audits. Acquisition of Election Equipment; peripherals and supplies; VSTOP-Election Systems Inventory Database; State random audits; Risk limiting audits; Recounts.

Phase II Session hours

Session No.
Session Topic
Training hours
Pre- and Post- activities  
1 Testing and Certification for Voting Systems and Electronic Poll Books 7.0 2.5 9.5
2 Workshop I – Managing Election Equipment (Voting Systems and Electronic Poll Books)
Information Technology and Elections
7.0 1.0 8.0
3 Election Day Reporting 7.0 2.5 9.5
4 Cybersecurity and Physical Security of Elections and Election Equipment 7.0 2.5 9.5
5 Workshop II – Managing Election Equipment (Troubleshooting and Security) 7.0 1.0 8.0
6 Election Personnel Training; Management; and Learning Assessment 7.0 2.5 9.5
7 Inventory and Audits 7.0 1.0 8.0
Total Phase II Hours 49.0 13.0 62.0