Category: Sci-Blogs

  • I Know What You Ate Last Summer

    I Know What You Ate Last Summer By Hanna Hayth If you’re anything like me, and you have a diet that you’re not exactly the proudest of, I have bad news for you. Long after you’re gone, scientists are able to use your bones to determine what your diet was like. But that’s not all! […]

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  • The Wonders of Dreams

    The Wonders of Dreams By Katelynn Pranger You feel a quickening sense of horror as you find yourself in the middle of the woods, wearing your pajamas, and discovering that someone is chasing you. You glance behind you and see what looks like a tall and horrifying creature chasing you through the woods. You try […]

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  • Acetone, Our Helpful Ketone

    Acetone, our Helpful Ketone By Dillon Haynes If you’ve ever worked in a biology or chemistry lab, no doubt this red bottle will look very familiar. Acetone is a solvent that I use on almost every piece of lab equipment, and for good reason. Its ability to dissolve almost any organic is invaluable in our […]

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  • Mars, its Deadly, Dirty Secrets

    Mars, its Deadly, Dirty Secrets By Griffin Thomas Mars, the future home of humanity, the next frontier. What if I told you mars wants nothing more than to kill you? That’s right, the red planet is a dangerous place, and its deadly secret lies in the dirt. Far from ideal growing conditions, the regolith (the […]

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  • Water you Drinking?

    Water you Drinking? By Jaclyn Flandermeyer Water- vital to life, yet flavorless and sometimes agonizing to drink enough of. It makes up about 71% of the Earth’s surface and about 60% of you. In the past, doctors and health care professionals have recommended you drink 8 glasses of water a day. This amount is not […]

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  • COVID-19: A Threat to Both Humanity and the Environment

    COVID-19: A Threat to Both Humanity and the Environment By Isabelle Behrman Most know of the dangerous threat that COVID-19 directly poses for humans; however, many are unaware of the dangerously negative impact that plastic pollution caused by COVID-19 has had on our environment, specifically our oceans. You might think that this plastic pollution issue […]

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