“Oral History” is all about learning about the past from the people who lived through it. Interviewing gives us data that we can’t find in other places. It’s an especially helpful methodology for learning about the people and communities who are often left out of traditional historical sources. In this workshop, we’ll learn more about oral history interviewing — how to set up a project, how oral history is different from other kinds of interviewing, and how we can use the information from these interviews to understand a broader picture. Dr. Emily Johnson is a historian with over 10 years of experience in oral history interviewing. She’s currently the director of the Muncie LGBTQ+ History Project.

Join us on Thursday, October 19 in BB 221 from 3:30-5 or register here to join us on Zoom. 

And mark your calendars for November 30 from 3:30-5 when Dr. Gabriel Tait, Associate Professor in the School of Journalism and Strategic Communication, will discuss what he calls “Site Beyond My Site,” photovoice methodology.

Want more information about the QRIG? Email Dr. Jen Erickson, Professor of Anthropology and Assistant Director of the Center for Middletown Studies at jlerickson@bsu.edu.