Ball State University | Teachers College
Ball State University and Teachers College expect students to use technologies provided consistent with this policy.
- Ball State Teachers College will provide technological resources to students for the purpose of advancing student achievement, and
- to situate students to acquire 21st Century skills in the context of teaching.
- Ball State University Teachers College reserves the right to amend this agreement at any time
Before access is given to students to the college technology, each user is required to agree that they have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the following standards and condition for responsible use of that technology. Each student who accepts an iPad is encouraged to purchasing the insurance of $40 to cover the cost of repairs from accidental damage.
- TC students who have declared their major as ELED, ECE, or SPED will need to be trained on how to use iPads, laptops, social media, online platforms, and other tech skills and competencies.
- It is our mission to ensure students graduate with a solid knowledge and experience with instructional technology.
- We are starting with iPads due to the high use across all grade levels in schools across Indiana.
- During the AY 2023-2024, only EDEL 100 students will be given an iPad and training as part of the first phase of this initiative.
- Trainings will be offered in partnership with EDEL 100 (with more details coming soon).
- Students in their second-fourth years in the ELED, ECE, or SPED programs may borrow iPads via the iTDS by checking one out from “Web Check-out” –> See the drop down menu for the link.
- Teachers College reserves the right to amend this agreement at any time.
Technology and Information
- A user’s history of use and all data stored on or sent to or from college technology shall at all times be subject to inspection by the System Administrator or a designee without notice to the user before or after the inspection.
- Users shall be responsible for reporting any inappropriate use of college technology in violation of college policy or conduct standards including threats, bullying, harassment or communications proposing or constituting a violation of the law or the student code of conduct.
- The user’s history of use and any information or document accessed on college technology is subject to inspection by the System Administrator pursuant to the Indiana Access to Public Records Act.
- Teachers College reserves the right to amend this agreement at any time.
Standards for Responsible Use of Technology
Responsible use of technology is ethical, academically honest, respectful of the rights of others, andconsistent with the college’s mission.
- The privilege of use of college technology access and personal devices come with personal responsibilities for each user.
- Access is not a right and is provided on the condition that the user complies with this policy and any additional rules promulgated by the System Administrator.
- Misuse of college technology and personal devices may result in sanctions and civil and criminal penalties.
- Teachers College reserves the right to amend this agreement at any time.
- Users will demonstrate legal and ethical behavior at all times when using college technology.
- Users will become familiar with and follow all applicable laws, including copyright laws and fair use guidelines.
- If the iPad is damaged beyond repair, lost, or missing while in the student’s possession & care, the cost of the iPad ($449) can be charged to the registrar and a hold can be placed on their account if not paid.
- If the iPad is damaged (within repair) while in the student’s possession & care, and the student purchased the insurance ($40), then the cost of the iPad repairs will be covered for one instance during the semester. Additional damage that results in more repairs will be charged to the student and a hold can be placed on the student’s account if not paid.
- Teachers College reserves the right to amend this agreement at any time.

Does the iPad belong to the student?
- No, the iPad remains the property of Teachers College and is assigned to the student to use while a Teachers College student.
Can a student use his/her own personal iPad instead of borrowing a TC iPad?
- Yes. However, the student may need to purchase apps, subscriptions, platforms, and texts that Teachers College loads to each device based on programmatic training, course requirements, and field experience needs.
How do students take care of the iPad?
- Any inventory stickers on the iPad, case, cable(s) and charging block must not be removed.
- The iPad screens can be wiped with a lint free cloth. Do not use abrasive or liquid cleaners. When necessary, a slightly damp cloth can be used to gently wipe down the screen.
- Make sure to keep the iPad on a secure surface when in use.
- Please keep the iPad in its case at all times.
- If an Apple box was provided at the time of your possession, please return the iPad in the box at the end of the semester.
What happens when the iPad needs repaired or seen by a technician?
- Teachers College’s instructional technology design studio (iTDS) will be the first line for all support and repairs on the iPads.
- Do not take the iPad to a repair service outside of college as this voids this agreement and any warranty the iPad may still have based on date of purchase.
- To get the iPad repaired, the student should make an appointment with Dr. Shively (klshively@bsu.edu) and then take the iPad to the instructional technology design studio (iTDS).
- The student should talk with our iTDS staff who will learn about the problem from the student and then determine the steps for repairs.
- The student will need to have documentation of the insurance they purchased to confirm their payment. Please keep your receipt from the eMarket.
What happens if the iPad is lost or stolen?
- If a student device comes up missing for any reason, a police report needs to be filed as soon as possible.
- The Director of the iTDS (Dr. Shively, klshively@bsu.edu) must be notified within one business day of realizing the device is missing.
- The student is responsible for the cost of replacing the device.
- Neither a warranty nor the student’s $40 fee (if paid) for accidental damage does not cover the cost of replacement for lost or stolen iPads.
Replacement costs are as follows:
- iPad 9th Generation
- $449 – MK2N3LL/A
Pricing based on Teachers College Apple iPad Configuration Specification Sheet. Prices are based on current pricing and availability and are subject to change at any time.
Who pays for other damages to the iPad?
- Students will be responsible for any additional repair costs associated with the device and accessories while it is assigned to the student.
What is allowed and prohibited for students to do with the borrowed iPad?
- Students should use the iPad to learn how to instruct while using the device.
- Students cannot use the iPad for private or commercial gain or for private or personal advertising. They cannot download pirated software, songs, or movies.
- Students should keep the assigned iPad in their possession and not share it with others. They may create modules, post modules, create instructional videos, audio recordings for simulated podcasts, and other educative activities practices in their field placements or student teaching.
- They cannot use it to invade the privacy of others, use it to post materials authored by another without their consent, or use it to post anonymous messages.
- Students cannot use the iPad to access, submit, post/publish or display defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, harassing or illegal material, or any other material deemed educationally inappropriate.
- Students will use the iPads legally, with care and respect, regardless of whether they are teaching in online and physical learning environments.
- Students must be aware of copyright laws regarding media and abide by those laws.
- Students will use the apps and eBooks provided on the iPad.
- Students cannot load unauthorized software.
- Students cannot login with their personal Apple IDs due to privacy and security concerns.
- Students understand that the device can be accessed by administrators, faculty, or iTDS staff as well as a history of their internet usage.
What are some “best practices” for a successful experience with the iPad?
- Students should use free cloud storage (Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, iCloud, etc.) as well as Canvas to store their lesson plans, videos, audios, and other materials created for instruction.
- Students should have a set of ear buds or earphones for listening to things privately on the iPad.
- Students will learn how to cast, share, collaborate, mirror, and manage the classroom using the iPad.
What happens if a student withdraws from the Teachers College before the date of return?
- Students will return their assigned iPad, adapter/cords, to the iTDS on their last day in attendance.
- No refunds will be issued.
- A thorough examination of the iPad will be conducted. The student and family could be assessed fees for cosmetic or other damages.
- Students cannot purchase the iPad.
- If the iPad is not returned to the college upon withdrawal or semester’s end, failure to return the iPad will be considered conversion/theft and may be reported to the proper authorities if payment is not received per this agreement for missing, lost, or stolen iPads.