Oral Presentations – National/International Meetings    

Geesa, R. L., Elam, N. P., & Nugent, V. A. (2022, April). Exploring principal and school counselor perceptions of school counselor roles and responsibilities to foster collaboration. In R. L. Geesa (Chair), Creating social capital through school counselor-principal collaboration: Fostering equitable and accessible student learning environments. Symposium to be conducted atAmerican Educational Research Association Annual Conference. San Diego, CA.

Kruczek, T., & Geesa, R. L. (2022, April). Cultivating collaboration: Revising school counselor and principal preparations programs to facilitate positive and inclusive relationships. In R. L. Geesa (Chair), Creating social capital through school counselor-principal collaboration: Fostering equitable and accessible student learning environments. Symposium to be conducted atAmerican Educational Research Association Annual Conference. San Diego, CA.

Geesa, R. L., Robbin, K., & Shively, K. L. (2022, April). Collaboration through o-SEL: A framework to guide teaching of social-emotional learning in online environments. Paper to be presented atAmerican Educational Research Association Annual Conference. San Diego, CA.

Geesa, R., Kruczek, T., Ritchie, L., & Fahey, M. (2021, November). Fostering collaborative principal & school counselor relationships. Presented at Indiana Association of School Principal Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN.

Geesa, R., Kruczek, T., Ritchie, L., & Fahey, M. (2021, November). Fostering collaborative principal & school counselor relationships. Presented at Indiana Association of School Principal (Assistant Principal) Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN.

Elam, N. P., Geesa, R. L., & Ceresa, M. (2021, November). School counselors’ presence in administrative leadership roles. Presented atUniversity Council for Educational Administration Annual Conference. Columbus, OH.

Geesa, R., Kruczek, T., Ritchie, L., & Fahey, M. (2021, November). Fostering collaborative principal & school counselor relationships. Presented at Indiana School Counselor Association Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN.

Geesa, R. L., Kruczek, T., & Mayes, R. D. (2021, August). School leader and school counselor attitudes and beliefs of schools and student behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper presented at InternationalCouncil of Professors of Educational Leadership Annual Conference. Virtual.

Geesa, R. L., Kruczek, T., & Mayes, R. D. (2021, April). Meeting students’ needs during a global pandemic: School leader and school counselor perceptions. In R. L. Geesa (Chair), Principal and school counselor collaboration to support all students. Symposium to be conducted at American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Virtual.

Geesa, R. L., & Mayes, R. D. (2021, March). A framework of preservice training for school administrator and school counselor collaboration. Paper accepted to be presented at Evidence-Based School Counseling Annual Conference. Virtual.

Geesa, R. L., & Kruzcek, T. (2021, February). A framework for collaborative principal and school counselor preparation. To be presented at the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, Indiana Campus Compact Annual Conference, Virtual.

Geesa, R. L., & Kruzcek, T. (2021, February). Increasing partnerships in educational leadership and school counseling. To be presented at The Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities Annual School Counselor Workshop, Virtual.

Quick, M., Geesa, R. L., Elam, N., McDonald, K. M., Kim, J., & McPherson, A. (2020, November). Leading and supporting school counselors through evaluation systems: A national study. Paper presented at University Council for Educational Administration Annual Conference. Virtual.

Geesa, R. L., Kruczek, T., Mayes, R. D., & McDonald, K. M. (2020, August). Perceptions in schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. To be presented at International Council of Professors of Educational Leaders Annual Conference. Virtual.

Mayes, R. D. & Geesa, R. L. (2020, April). Collaborative school counselor and school leader preparation. To be presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Virtual.

Geesa, R. L., Mayes, R. D., & McDonald, K. M. (2020, March). A framework of preservice training for school administrator and school counseling collaboration. Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference. Boca Raton, FL. (Accepted but could not be presented because of COVID).

Kim, J., Geesa, R. L., & McDonald, K. (2019, November). School principals’ and counselors’ focus on college and career readiness: Goals and expectations for postsecondary education. Paper to be presented at University Council for Educational Administration Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Mayes, R. D., Elam, N., Geesa, R. L., & McConnell, K. (2019, November). School administrators’ perceptions on school counselor evaluation: A national study. Paper to be presented at University Council for Educational Administration Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Quick, M., Boyland, L., & Mayes, R. D. (2019, November). School counselors & principals: An interactive session of dos and don’ts for more effective collaboration. Paper to be presented at Indiana Association of School Principals Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN.

Mayes, R. D. & Lowery, K. (2019, October). Committed to social justice: Training school counselors and school administrators in social justice advocacy and collaboration. Paper presented at Association of Counselor Education & Supervision Biennial Conference. Seattle, WA.


Dr. Renae Mayes presenting at the Association of Counselor Education & Supervision Biennial Conference in October 2019


Lowery, K. & Mayes, R. D. (2019, October). Lessons from achievers and outsiders within: A call for school principal-counselor collaborative advocacy for Black girls. Paper presented at Mid-western Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Cincinnati, OH.

Elam, N., Geesa, R. L., Mayes, R. D., & McConnell, K. (2019, July). School counselors’ perceptions on comprehensive school counseling (CSC) adherence and implementation. Paper presented at International Council of Professors of Educational Leaders Annual Conference. Aliso Viejo, CA.

Geesa, R. L., Mayes, R. D., Lowery, K. P., Quick, M. M., Boyland, L., Kim, J., Elam, N., & McDonald, K. (2019, July). A framework for collaborative school leader and school counselor preparation. Paper presented at International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership Annual Conference. Aliso Viejo, CA.


Dr. Rachel Geesa presenting on the Comprehensive Counseling Initiative at the Connecticut School Administrator and Counselor Leadership Forum on August 20, 2019


Young, D. & Quick, M. M. (2019, February). Training school leaders to mitigate implicit bias.Paper presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Myrtle Beach, SC.

Quick, M. M., Boyland, L., Geesa, R. L., Mayes, R. D., Lowery, K. P., Kim, J., & McDonald, K. (2018, November). Collaborative principal-school counselor preparation: National standards alignment to improve training between principals and school counselors. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration Annual Conference. Houston, TX.

Geesa, R. L., Elam, N. Mayes, R. D., & McConnell, K. (2018, November). School administrators’ perceptions on comprehensive school counseling (CSC) adherence and implementation. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration Annual Conference. Houston, TX.

Geesa, R. L. (2017, November). Educational leadership department collaboration with counselor educators. Presented at the Indiana School Counselor Association Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.

Quick, M. M., Geesa, R. L., Boyland, L., Lowery, K. P., & Mayes, R. D. (2017, November). School leaders supporting school counselors to implement comprehensive school counseling programs. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration Annual Conference. Denver, CO.