Wood Shop

The CAP Wood Shop, AB 029 is an area that is responsible for an assortment of tools and equipment that are made available for qualified individuals who have completed tier training for the wood shop with MakerCorps or wood shop training with their faculty. These qualified individuals may utilize and engage with equipment for course assignments or other investigations in compliance with the tier training they have earned.

Report any injuries to the Shop supervisor or the attendant on duty immediately.

Tier 1 – Introductory Concepts

  • Basic safety orientation that will acclimate lab user to safety expectations while working the wood shop.
  • Introduction to the Bandsaw
  • Introduction to the Stationary Sander
  • Introduction to the Drill press.

Tier 2 – Precision Cutting

  • Miter Saw
  • Table Saw

If you wish to be or need to be one of these qualified individuals please go to https://makercorps.org/woodshops.  On that link you will find materials divided into the 2 tiers. Once you have reviewed the materials you may sign up!

If you completed your training and it was documented as part of your CAPFY experience prior to the 2022 – 2023 academic year, you should be set for Tier 1 and Tier 2 training.  If you have questions about your status, please consult with lab manager.

Wood Shop Conduct and Behavior

All students using this facility are obligated to comply with these policies listed below.

  • Follow all safety guidelines.  You may only work in the Wood Shop with an attendant on duty.
  • No running or horseplay in any shop areas.
  • Always clean up after yourself in every area as soon as you finish.  Brooms, dust pans, trash cans and scrap bins are located throughout the shop for this purpose.
  • Put away all materials as soon as you finish with them.
  • No machines may be left running unattended.  You must stay with your work at all times.
  • CAP will not be responsible for personal projects, tools, or materials left in the shop by students or faculty.
  • Please be courteous and respectful to staff and lab attendants.
  • Tools in the wood shop are intended for wood only.


Standard Operating Procedures

Ball State ID required to use facility.

Total number of student lab users in the wood shop for “open lab time” is 12.   This number was established for a combination of reasons.  First to eliminate lines at the band saw, table saw, miter saws and sanders.    The lines of students per piece of equipment resulted in other safety concerns.  Next, there are 4 work stations per bench.  The shop has a total of 3 benches for a total of 12 seats.

Faculty who wish to have more than 12 in the wood shop under their supervision may do so.

Always sign in at the wood shop attendant station and indicate that you have completed Tier 1 and/or Tier 2 Wood Shop Authorization.  Students who were documented as having completed wood shop training with CAPFY prior to the 2022- 2023 academic year have Tier 1 and Tier 2 status.  If you have questions about your status, please consult with lab manager.   If it is learned that you were not honorable with your training status at the time of sign in, you will lose your wood shop privileges for 15 weeks.

Please be advised that the wood shop lab attendants are not required to cut lab user’s materials as part of their work duties.  Some of them will, but others won’t.   The wood shop is a learning environment.  Many of the employees are learning tools, what they are called, and how to use them.     Lab attendants may appear to be the authority on wood working, but the reality is most aren’t.

Use appropriate materials with the various machines in the shop. Tools are intended for wood only.  Please do not sand plaster on sanding equipment.

Wood found in the scrap bin is available for use.  You are responsible supplying supplemental material.

Pallets, skids, packing crates and any stock which may contain nails, staples or other fasteners are not approved for use in the wood shop.

In addition to supplying your own wood and other building materials, you are also responsible for supplying your own:

  • Fasteners
  • Hardware
  • Adhesives – (We provide some wood glue for small projects. Bring your own for large projects )
  • Paint and brushes

All glued items must cure or set for 24 hours before being used on any of the machines.

Due to the size of the wood shop, there is no long-term storage.  If you need to leave something overnight, consult with attendant on duty so they may advise you where to place it.  It will be expected that you pick up your project the next day.

Do not expect to use the shop facilities if you are tired, sick, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  You will be asked to leave.

Wood Shop Safety Guidelines

Eye and ear protection are required.

Eye Protection:

  • Safety glasses or a face shield must be worn at all times when working in the Wood Shop.
  • It is recommended that you provide your own safety glasses.  If you prefer to use shop safety glasses select your glasses from the cabinet located on the wall.

Ear Protection:

  • Ear muffs and foam ear plugs are provided by the shop for your use.
  • Ear muffs or foam ear plugs should be worn by anyone working with or near any power tool.
  • Wireless ear buds or other wireless over the ear devices are not considered ear protection.
  • Wireless ear buds should not be worn under the ear muffs.


  • Closed-toe shoes must be worn at all times in all shop areas.
  • Flip-flops and sandals are not appropriate footwear for the shop.
  • Students with inappropriate footwear will be asked to leave the facility and return with proper footwear.

Clothing/Personal Attire:

  • Please be properly covered.  No loose-fitting clothing, including garments with long, flowing sleeves, neck ties, and scarves are not permitted in the shop.  Dangling strings on “hoodies” must be tucked in shirt.  Revealing clothing is not appropriate for the work environment.
  • Long hair must be tied back. Loose jewelry such as long necklaces and bracelets must not be worn in the shop.
  • Report any injuries to the Shop supervisor or the attendant on duty immediately.

Equipment Safety Reminders:

  • Guards on band saw should be positioned properly before use, ¼ inch above the material you are cutting
  • Safety guard is always on table saw. If you need this guard removed, please see attendant on duty.
  • Do not attempt to sand wood pieces that are ¼ inch or less vertically on the stationary belt sanders.  It is likely that you will lose grip of your material and cause it to wedge into the sander. Loss of time and material will result.
  • Please do not sand plaster with sanding tools and machines.
  • An assortment of drill bits are provided for the drill presses. They are located adjacent to the variable speed drill press and the table top drill press. Additional drill inserts are located in the tool room such as fostener bits and spade bits. Please see the attendant on duty to use these. For other special drilling needs, please plan ahead to purchase your own.

Wood Shop Tool Room

The Wood Shop includes a Tool Room, which has hand tools, power tools, clamps and other items.

Students may visit WebCheckout – Patron Portal, Tool Room to view the items available for check out. These items are available for checkout during business hours posted on the entrance to AB 029.  Equipment is permitted to be checked out for a maximum 24 hours with this one exception – all equipment checked out over a weekend (Friday) is due by noon the following Monday.

If you wish to use a tool in the Tool Room, ask a shop attendant to get it for you.


  • Individuals who fail to return (non-electrical) tools will be assessed $10 fee for each missing tool.
  • Individuals who fail to return all other tools (electrical) will be assessed a fee that correlates with the missing item.
  • All fees are non-refundable.