Mr. David Lamb
Mr. Lamb has been teaching for 15+ years, most of that time in third grade at Wes-Del Elementary School. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Ball State University. In his spare time you’ll likely find him outside fishing, hiking, or camping. He is passionate about science and mathematics, and loves to see students experience them both outside at camp!
Mr. James Leslie
Emeritus Camp Adventure Facilities Director
Mr. Leslie was the Challenge Education Coordinator for Muncie Community Schools and Caretaker for Camp Adventure from 1995-2020. Mr. James would often be seen leading nature hikes, facilitating ropes courses/team building activities, and giving “roller-coaster” like wagon rides.
Now, he can be found relaxing in his dream retirement home in Virginia and taking 7 mile strolls every day.
We miss you and Sparky! Come back to camp and visit us anytime!
Camp Staff
Mrs. Stacey Allred
Stacey Allred graduated from Ball State University with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and Special Education. She also has a master’s degree in Learning Disabilities and Education Administration. Her areas of interest include classroom management, instructional strategies, and family engagement.
Her work has been featured in both the 4thand 5th editions of The First Days of School as well as in SAGE Publications’ Encyclopedia of Classroom Management. Stacey taught for 14 years as an instructor in the Department of Elementary Education at Ball State University. Currently, Stacey is an instructor in the Department of Education at Taylor University and celebrating over 30 years in education.
Mrs. Michelle Harris
Camp Co-Director
Michelle Harris graduated from Indiana University with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education in 1999. She also has a minor in Spanish. In 2004, she earned a master’s degree from Ball State University. Michelle has been teaching for over 20 years. Currently, she teaches fifth grade at Burris Laboratory School. Her interests include STEM, writing, reading, and math.
In her spare time, she enjoys being outside, baking, and reading. She fell in love with Camp Adventure during the summer of 2021. She truly enjoys working with the Ball State teaching candidates, as well as, seeing the growth in the children that attend. Now, she cannot imagine her summers without Camp Adventure!
Ms. Cresta Hancock
On-Site Coordinator, BSU Science Educator
Cresta joined the summer camp team in 2022. We value her expertise in science and urban education. She loves the outdoors and is always ready for a new adventure. Cresta has over 13 years of teaching experience and continues to work as a PDS liaison for Muncie Community Schools.
Other Members
Dr. Ruth Jefferson
Director of Research
Dr. Ruth Jefferson holds many teaching and administrative certifications, most notably in the areas of reading, learning disabilities, mild disabilities, elementary education, and special education administration. She has extensive experience in PreK-12 education, both in teaching and in administration, and discovered early in her career a passion for helping reluctant readers become avid ones. Dr. Jefferson led the High Riding Art and Equestrian Camp for children with disabilities for seven years. She is currently an Associate Professor at Ball State University, working with inservice and future teachers and has conducted research primarily in the areas of Response to Intervention (RTI), evidence-based practices in reading, at-risk youth, and higher education/community engagement. Dr. Jefferson and Dr. Michael Shaffer recently published a book on engaging boys in learning to read: From Pushups to Angels’ Wings: Great Things Happen When Boys Read.