Tag: Elementary School

  • 2024 SCLA Week-2

    Summer Civic Learning Academy: Week 2 The 2024 Summer Civic Learning Academy (SCLA) hosted by the Center for Economic and Civic Learning at Ball State, as part of the project was completed by 13 teachers from six Muncie Community Schools (MCS) who teach various grade levels, with experience ranging from 3 years to over 10 […]

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  • Civic Education Resources for Elementary Students

    Civics Education Lesson Plans By Julie Snider Pre-K-2nd grade: At this level the most important civic themes should be about community, cooperation, freedoms/rights, citizenship, and purpose of government. Introduce the following: Individual responsibility, self-discipline/self-governance, civility, respect for the rights and dignity of all individuals, honesty, respect for the law, courage, compassion, patriotism, fairness, and commitment […]

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  • Educating for American Democracy

    CREATE assists educators in finding civics-related lesson plans and activities in use in their classroom. The Resources for Educators tab on the CREATE website currently offers lessons and activities for Elementary, Middle, and High School teachers. More will be added as the site is developed. This months featured teacher resources come from Educating for American […]

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