Dr. David J. Roof, a faculty member in the Educational Studies department at Ball State University, is asking you to participate complete a survey, titled Civic Education as Career Readiness: A Survey of Midwest Employers (IRB# 21132270.

Dr. Roof is conducting this study to answer the question: are civic identities, skills, and dispositions valued by employers, in both the public and private sectors. And to examine the extent to which related civic skills are valued by employers in Indiana.

If you are willing to participate in the survey, please click HERE, scan the QR Code below, or cut and paste the link provided below.

Survey Link: https://bsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bCb34D6w2TiH1Nc

If you would like additional information about this study, please contact Dr. Roof at djroof@bsu.edu or 217-721-6741.

Thank you for your consideration.