Civic Education Resources for Elementary Students
Civics Education Lesson Plans By Julie Snider Pre-K-2nd grade: At this level the most important civic themes should be about community, cooperation, freedoms/rights, citizenship, and purpose of government. Introduce the following: Individual responsibility, self-discipline/self-governance, civility, respect for the rights and dignity of all individuals, honesty, respect for the law, courage, compassion, patriotism, fairness, and commitment […]
CREATE’s April Newsletter
See the April Newsletter with links click HERE
First Annual Muncie Central High School Civic – Earth Day Event
On Friday April 21st Muncie Central High School held its first ever Civic Earth Day event. Spearheaded by Julie Snider, who teaches government at Muncie Central, the event engaged students in a day devoted to community, civics, and collaboration. The experience was designed to help students gain insight into being an active citizen in our […]
Muncie Central – Trip to the Indiana Statehouse
Muncie Central field trip to the Indiana Statehouse! Students were able to see a legislative session in person. Students met State Representative Sue Errington and Senator Scott Alexander.
Frontiers of Democracy Conference
Frontiers of Democracy 2023:Religious Pluralism and Robust Democracy in Multiracial Societies Time and location: July 13 (5 – 7 PM) to July 15 (noon) on Tufts University’s Medford, MA campus near the Medford/Tufts Station on the Boston Green Line. Frontiers of Democracy is an annual conference at Tufts University’s Tisch College of Civic Life that […]
State-by-State Youth Voter Turnout Data
From CIRCLE April 6, 2023 Many of the states with high youth voter turnout in the 2022 midterm elections had strong policies that make it easier to register and vote. New estimates of youth voter turnout in the 2022 midterm elections highlight major variations and inequities in young people’s electoral participation across the country. Youth […]
Indiana Bar Foundation’s Inaugural Indiana Civics Summit
Ball State University will participate in the Indiana Bar Foundation’s inaugural Indiana Civics Summit! This one-day conference includes national, regional, state, and local leaders representing government, education, business, and the legal community. This inaugural day-long collaborative, learning, and networking event is an opportunity to interact with Indiana Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch, Indiana Education Secretary Dr. […]
First Annual Muncie Central Civics – Earth Day
Please join Muncie Central High School and the CREATE project as we hear from a dynamic panel of leaders discussing themes of community, civics, and collaboration. This invigorating, interactive experience is designed to help students gain insight on being an active citizen in their local community, state, and nation. Speakers include State Senator Scott Alexander […]
Educating for American Democracy
CREATE assists educators in finding civics-related lesson plans and activities in use in their classroom. The Resources for Educators tab on the CREATE website currently offers lessons and activities for Elementary, Middle, and High School teachers. More will be added as the site is developed. This months featured teacher resources come from Educating for American […]