strong>Third Way Civics (3WCs) Summer Workshop

The workshop will be held June 2 and June 3 from 9:00am-4:00pm at the Ball State University L.A. Pittenger Student Center. Directions to the Student Center are located HERE.

Dress is casual. You might wear layers, at the temperature in the Student Center can vary.

Resources from the event can be shared and accessed [TBD]

All participants will receive a ‘meal card’ for lunch. Meals will be available in the Tally Food Court.

For a map of the Ball State campus please click HERE

For lodging during the event, the Ball State Hotel is the best option. The hotel is located on the third floor of the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. We have a block of 4 twin rooms, 2 queen rooms (single bed), and 6 king rooms (single bed). You will receive a 15% discount when you pay. The block code is 2506WRK. We will hold these rooms until Friday May, 16th.

The following are the rates at a 15% discount-

    Twin rate: $72.25
    Queen rate: $76.50
    King rate: $79.20

Please call the Ball State Hotel at 765-285-1555 or email

The Ball State Student Center Parking Garage (R8) has Metered Parking located on the bottom floor of R8 with one pay station located at the pedestrian exit on the north side of the garage.

Garage Rates
Hours 1-3 – $1 per hour
Hours 4-6 – $.50 per hour
Hours 7-8 – $.25 per hour

For a map with parking locations, please click on the Ball State Parking Map.